Tag: architectural structures

More Questions People Have About Commercial Awnings

  Commercial awnings help improve the appearance of businesses that use them, and they provide useful benefits such as controlling how much sunlight gets in the building and minimizing the heat your building sustains as a result of sunlight. For anyone using commercial awnings, or anyone who is considering getting one, you might have questions […]

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Fall is a Great Time for New Architectural Structures in Alabama

As the nights start to get cooler and the days get shorter, folks in Alabama are breaking out their long-sleeved shirts and autumn decor. The tourism and hospitality industries are winding down from the summer season, and now is the time for owners of all kinds of businesses to prepare for the rest of 2021 […]

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Using Aluminum Louvers to Enhance Architecture in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has a rich and storied history, particularly in the context of the birth of our nation. The state is home to many historic sites and old buildings, but the architecture in cities and towns doesn’t need to stay stuck in the past. More and more property owners are bringing their facilities into the twenty-first […]

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Finding Manufacturers for Architectural Structures in South Carolina

As we get closer and closer to summertime, business owners in South Carolina strive to prepare for the surge in business that often comes in the warmer months. This rush is sure to be particularly challenging as guests, employees, and business owners struggle to navigate this stage of the pandemic and return to some semblance […]

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Designing a Metal Structure for Facilities in Virginia

What does your facility’s exterior say about your business? A rundown, dated, or bland exterior might not send the right message to potential clients and passersby, but adding a sunshade or aluminum architectural accent can turn things around. Deciding to invest in a new metal structure for your Virginia business is a big step, and […]

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Prepare to Install Architectural Structures in Ohio This Spring

The last few weeks have been icy for Ohioans. Still, as sure as trout lilies and mayapples bloom each year, warmer weather is just around the corner. Spring is an excellent time to install new architectural structures from Datum, and now is the perfect time to start planning. There are a few key questions and […]

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Adding Aluminum Louvers to Existing Architecture in Georgia

A building without architectural accents is like a crudely-drawn smiley face; sure, all of the key parts are there, but the design probably lacks nuance and detail that would make its appearance more memorable and well-rounded. Adding aluminum louvers, sunshades, and other architectural accents to your building is like sketching in eyebrows, lips, and facial […]

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Benefits of Powder Coating for Architectural Structures in Maryland

Maryland is home to an incredibly diverse and unpredictable set of microclimates. It might be raining one minute and sunny the next, or a weekend full of snow might be followed by a week of 60- and 70-degree temperatures. The old saying “if you don’t like Maryland’s weather, just wait five minutes” perfectly encompasses the […]

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Why Commercial Architectural Structures are Gaining Popularity in Pennsylvania

Any business owner worth their salt knows the importance of staying on top of trends and choosing to follow the right ones. Installing commercial architectural structures is a trend that is here to stay, and business owners stand to reap significant benefits. Commercial awnings are gaining popularity in Pennsylvania this year for a variety of […]

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Installing Aluminum Louvers for Aesthetic Appeal in Illinois

Datum’s shade structures can take several forms, and many of our clients use their durable aluminum structures to provide shade and weather protection. However, aluminum louvers are a unique addition that can provide aesthetic appeal and a polished appearance for any Illinois property. While louvers are often not designed to provide the same level of […]

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