More Questions People Have About Commercial Awnings

More Questions People Have About Commercial Awnings


More Questions People Have About Commercial Awnings

Here are more questions that might be brought up regarding commercial awnings.

Commercial awnings help improve the appearance of businesses that use them, and they provide useful benefits such as controlling how much sunlight gets in the building and minimizing the heat your building sustains as a result of sunlight. For anyone using commercial awnings, or anyone who is considering getting one, you might have questions about them you want to have answered. We have answered some questions in the past, but there are other questions that we want to address today. Here are more questions that might be brought up regarding commercial awnings.

Are Commercial Awnings Waterproof, and Do They Protect Against Inclement Weather?

For the most part, awnings are built to be resistant to water, though they are not completely waterproof. Also, awnings are open on three of their sides, usually. Because of this, wind could potentially send some rain or snow your way, even when you’re underneath the awning.

Even so, the protection they provide against inclement weather is not to be undermined. They still greatly diminish how much impact inclement weather has against people who are protected by them. They also help protect doorways and stairwells so that there isn’t too much snow or sleet that builds up.

How Long Do Commercial Awnings Last?

While the quality of the awning will cause the lifespan to vary, you can generally expect manufacturers to provide warranties that last for around five years. However, if you provide good care to your awning, you should expect it to last closer to 15 years. When getting an awning, you should ask this question to your awning provider so you know what to expect before deciding on a purchase, if you don’t have an awning already.

What’s More Important for Heat Protection: Awning Color or Material?

When you get your awning from a professional awning manufacturer, they will review every aspect of the awning you’re purchasing. One question you may have is whether awning material or color is more important when trying to keep your awning heat-resistant.

The color of your awning will have an effect on how warm the area beneath it will be. However, the material used to create your awning will be even more impactful. For a material that is resistant against heat, we recommend that you use aluminum when constructing your awning.

Aluminum awnings have an easier time getting rid of whatever heat it soaks up, which keeps them cooler and more comfortable when the temperatures get high.


Datum Wholesale Shade Structures are fully welded for superior construction and shipped fully assembled for fast and simple installation. At Datum, we save time and cost on projects of all types and sizes. We serve businesses nationwide, including clients in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Wisconsin, Illinois, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Virginia, and more. At Datum, you’re in business immediately with the No. 1 manufacturer and wholesale supplier of commercial shade structures in the USA. Please give us a call at 954-541-9745. You can also follow Datum on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Houzz, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter!

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