Staying Positive and Minimizing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying Positive and Minimizing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying Positive and Minimizing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Minimizing stress isn’t always easy, but here are some tips to help you stay calm during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here at the Datum blog, we typically focus on our high-quality commercial shade structures. However, seeing as our readers are struggling to adjust to life during a pandemic, we’re dedicating this week’s blog to positivity and wellness. Whether you are sheltering in place at home or you are an essential worker, please take these tips into consideration. Minimizing stress isn’t always easy, but here are some tips to help you stay calm during this pandemic.

Being Informed is Good; Obsessing Over Negativity Isn’t

Many of us are getting our COVID-19 information online. Even websites and media outlets that are typically sources of entertainment and levity have shifted to 24/7 pandemic coverage. While staying informed is a good thing, obsessively checking your local case counts and fatality numbers isn’t good for your mental health. Try to avoid continually bombarding yourself with news about COVID-19.

Distractions From COVID-19 Are Good

If you are having trouble taking your mind off of the pandemic, try distracting yourself with art, music, cooking, or other fun activities. Sewing and knitting are excellent ways to keep your hands (and your mind) busy, and there’s nothing wrong with settling in for a movie marathon. Even things like cleaning that aren’t often seen as “fun” can be excellent ways to distract yourself.

Check on Your Loved Ones Online

Quarantines can be lonely for everyone. While in-person visits might be out of the question, checking in with your friends and family digitally can be a breath of fresh air. Video chatting is an excellent way to reconnect. Talk one-on-one or in a large group; many video chat applications are ideal platforms for virtual “parties.” Make sure to check in on your less-tech-savvy loved ones, too!

Stay Active in a Safe Way

With many gyms closed and many states under stay-at-home orders, staying fit can be a challenge. However, keeping physically active is an excellent way to reduce stress and stay healthy. Give yoga a try, dust off that old stationary bike, or do some work with hand weights. In some areas, outdoor activity is still permitted if social distancing guidelines are being followed.

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

While many people online are encouraging creativity and productivity for folks stuck in quarantine, it can be really challenging to focus when you’re stressed. You aren’t a failure if you don’t finish that screenplay or clean the attic while you’re stuck in isolation. Be kind to yourself. Remember that we are all living through an extraordinary set of circumstances, and it is entirely reasonable to be worried, scared, or sad. Beating yourself up over how you feel can just make you feel worse. Embrace your “negative” feelings, acknowledge them, and let them go.

Datum is Still Open For Business

If you have any questions about our shade structures, the team at Datum is still hard at work. Please give us a call at 954-541-9745. You can also reach out to us on our website.

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